"You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness." 1 Thess. 5:5 NIV
Light. It is a theme throughout the Bible used to compare good and evil. In First Thessalonians Paul uses light as a symbol for the children of God. In this passage he speaks of the coming of evil days, and how we ought to respond to their coming. If we are children of the Light and of the Day, then obviously we give off a glow of some kind.
One of my greatest desires is to be a Light for Christ and give off a glow for him. That is my main goal with this site and blog. That's also why the blog is named 'Keepers of Light and Legend.'
Keepers of Light and Legend stands for two things: we are the keepers of Light here on earth, as explained above. The legend part is because, well, I'm a writer! I hope that my writing can be Light-reflecting, and to tell engaging stories.
So, what can you expect to find here?
Well, thoughtful book reviews on books worth reading. Devotionals with messages built on the power of storytelling. Peeks into the various aspects of writing, such as creating mentor characters, worldbuilding and even naming your characters. Snippets of my own writing. And book recommendations for all ages!

Books are so important to me. They are agents of change, and if you don't believe me just read your Bible!
Stories make us feel things we've never felt, see things we've never beheld and make us grow to love people that never existed except for that one glorious moment when they were real to us as anything in the room. That's why I've set out to not only read and review books worth reading and sharing, but also writing them.
Welcome, and enjoy! Ad Lucem!
-L.E. Levens
I'm so excited for this, Lauren!!