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Below are some FAQs about L.E. Levens and this site. Don't see what you're looking for? Feel free to reach out!
Who is L.E. Levens?L.E. Levens is a Christian teen writer who lives in Tennessee with her family and two rotten cats. She loves telling stories that touch the heart, and in her spare time enjoys acting in plays, drawing and reading exciting books. She is a huge Lord of the Rings and Narnia fan and is always on the lookout for her next favorite novel.
What about your faith?I am a Bible-believing Christian. I believe Jesus was the Son of God and was sent to save us from our sins, died, rose after three days and will one day return. Until then, the Church remains to shine His light on this Earth. My favorite verses: Romans 8:37 John 1:5
What can I expect to find on this site?Fun, safe stories and thoughtful articles along with book and the occasional movie recommendations.
How often will you post?Every other week on Saturday! Except for the weeks of Federal Holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving etc.) or weeks when my life is super busy.
What are some books you would always recommend?The Hobbit, for sure. It's funny and meaningful. Little Women is also a must read. Narnia, Green Ember, Wingfeather Saga is also excellent choices. I also recently read a new book called The Memory Thief that was incredible and would definitely recommend.
What are some current writing projects you have?I write in the fantasy and historical fiction genres. Currently I have three main WIPs (work in progresses). Two are high fantasy stories about courageous heroes, dashing knights and daring maidens in a world of dragons and elves. My other main project in a historical fiction set in and after World War Two about an Austrian recounting his adventures and hardships.
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