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Where the Tunnel Ends Cover Reveal, Plus the Sunshine Blogger Award...

Writer's picture: L.E. LevensL.E. Levens

One really exciting thing I get to do on my blog is promote the work of other young writers. One such person is Maya Pawley, who is releasing the first installment in her new fantasy series this December. It's called where the Tunnel Ends, and here's the newly revealed cover!

Stay tuned because I'll soon have more updates, including a link to buy the book on Amazon once it releases!

The Sunshine Blogger Award

  This trend, which has been going around on Christian teen blogs involves nominating people for this Sunshine Blogger Award. I’m pleased to announce Keepers of Light and Legend Blog was nominated by Lilean Beth over on her blog

So how does this work? First I display the badge on my post. Then I thank the nominator (thanks so much Lilean!). I display the link to their blog, which I did above. And now I’ll answer the questions provided by my nominator:

What made you decide to start your blog? 

I felt that starting a blog was the next step God wanted me to take in my writing journey. 

  1. What made you choose your blog's topic? 

It allows me to cover a wide variety of topics. 

  1. Why do you like to write? 

Simply put, because I love to read. The characters that inspired me in difficult times, the settings that fueled my imagination, and the hope the burns bright in the hearts of my favorite characters made me want to inspire others the way I had been. 

  1. What are you the most passionate about? 

The most important passion in my life is living for Jesus, because all my other passions are fueled by my faith and I know that I can’t succeed in them without His help. 

  1. What is your goal for your blog? 

To help, inspire, and entertain fellow writers and readers. 

  1. What is your favorite thing to write about? 

Epic journeys that cause characters to cling to their beliefs more than ever before. 

  1. What is your favorite thing to post about? 

My favorite thing to post about is books! I love reviewing them and letting others know about not-so-well-known novels they’ll love. 

  1. What is your favorite season? 

I have to pick one?! I consider myself a winter baby, but I am technically born at the tail-end of Fall so I love both seasons. 

  1. What are your favorite books? 

Because you all probably know I love Lord of the Rings I’m going to list some other favorites: Wishtress and Romanov by Nadine Brandes. Little Women. Jane Eyre. Almost all Melanie Dickerson’s books, but especially the last three Derricott Tales. The Green Ember by S.D. Smith. The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson. And besides that? Anne of Green Gables, Dearest Josephine, and Once Upon a Wardrobe. 

  1. What is your favorite movie?

Once again. Besides LOTR and Narnia? I love The Princess BrideThe Sound of Music, Fiddler on the Roof, Anne of Green Gables, and the live action remakes of the Disney Princess movies. 

  1. What is your favorite genre? 

I have to say it's probably High Fantasy (the difference between High and Low fantasy is that High Fantasy has magical qualities, fantastic creatures like Elves, and is always in a different world). I also LOVE Historical Fiction thanks to my friends Z and M.

Lastly, I have to nominate some bloggers of my own, give them questions, and let them know! 


Here are my questions for you guys! 

  1. Which fictional character has influenced you the most over the years? 

  2. What was the first writing  project you can recall about? 

  3. Who is the biggest supporter you have? 

  4. What book of the Bible has influenced you the most? 

  5. What is one thing you want people to take away from you blog/newsletter? 

  6. Where do you usually like to write? 

  7. What is your favorite comfort food? 

  8. How do you feel about libraries? 

  9. What is your favorite book series of all time (besides Lord of the Rings or Narnia)? 

  10. What fictional character would you say you are the most like? 

  11. If you could live in any world except our own (Hogwarts, Narnia, Aerwiar, Etc) which would you chose? 

Thank you all for bearing with me in this busy season! I hope you’ll go check out these young writer’s websites, and stay tuned for the Advent countdown! This Saturday I’ll be releasing a blog post on finding and buying good books (cheaply)! As always, Ad Lucem. 

-L.E. Levens



Emma Chasteen
Emma Chasteen
Nov 21, 2024

So fun!


Bella Raine
Bella Raine
Nov 20, 2024

Love this post, friend! And åw thanks for the nomination! <3


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