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Books you can 'Fall' in Love With!

Writer's picture: L.E. LevensL.E. Levens

Picture by alex geerts

Yep. It's that time again, folks. Fall is just around the corner, and with school about to be in full swing, it's time to start thinking about our Fall TBRs!

If you're hunting for some cool books to try out that are both wonderfully written, and Christ-honoring, I've got five right here you'll love plus links to them on Goodreads! Some of them are even set in or around Fall! All of these are suitable for teen/tween audience (depending on interest level), and all have been read by me in the past 12 months, or re-read so many times that I know the stories like the back of my hand. As for the books on my own TBR at the end of this post, disclaimer, I'm not yet promoting them as something you should definitely read. Once I have read them, you can expect honest reviews and ratings.

  1. The Beautiful Pretender, by Melanie Dickerson

Genres: romance, historical fiction

This was the very first Melanie Dickerson book I ever read, and it totally pulled me in. I haven't been the same since then. It follows the story of Avelina, a servant girl masquerading as a lady in order to secure good relations between her province and the Margrave of Thornbeck after her mistress runs away. But what started as pretending soon becomes something much more... and much deadlier.

2. Romanov, by Nadine Brandes

Genres: historical fiction, fantasy, romance

Does anyone remember a charming little movie that came out a while back called, Anastasia? Well, fans of that movie will absolutely fall in love with this retelling. Staying very true to what is known about the Romanov family and their final days, Nadine Brandes weaves an intricate tale about the youngest Romanov daughter as she navigates captivity, romance, and new-found magic.

3. The Windeby Puzzle, by Lois Lowery

Genres: Historical fiction

While a very short story, this imaginative tale brings new life to a long-forgotten tale as we imagine the story behind a mysterious mummified body found in a swamp in Germany. Giving you a glimpse into the early years of A.D. Germanic culture, you'll be invested in the tale of two children to the very end... and possibly also make you need some tissues.

Genres: scf-fi, historical, fantasy

I wasn't really sure what to think about a fantasy book set partly in the 1980s... but now I have seen the light. This thrilling tale chronicles the adventures of three of the most lovable, relatable heroes yet! It will send you on a journey to a magical place that reminds you of other lands you've dreamed of... while also transporting you to the world of your parents' childhood.

5. A Rose for the Resistance, by Angela K. Couch

Genres: historical, romance

If you've been looking for a good, clean historical romance set in Nazi occupied France, this is it. I found the characters to be relatable, the plot fast-paced and engaging, and the love story sweet as they come. Follow a young French woman, Rosalie, as she navigates the Nazi invasion and the occupation of her hometown. Meanwhile, Franz is rising in the ranks of the army thanks to his high-ranking step-father... but aches from grief and regret. When the war comes to the very shores of their little town, which sides will they chose?

Now, here's some books I've not yet read, but intend to read this fall.

  1. Of Stormlarks and Silence by Constance Lopez

  2. Ignite the Sun by Hanna C. Howard

  3. Unbetrothed by Candice Pedraza Lopez

  4. Earthtreader by Alissa J. Zanalianos

  5. The Heiress of Winterwood by Sara Ladd

  6. From Peasant to Princess by Anna Grace Durham

Before I end for the week, I have an announcement to make: starting this week, posts will only be every other week. With school starting back, I need to be able to focus on my lessons and not have to worry about the blog as much. But the good news? Content will increase in quality! You can expect to have new book reviews, Quilt Saga updates and more exciting surprises starting August 17th!

Happy reading! As always, Ad Lucem.

-L.E. Levens


2 comentarios

Emma Chasteen
Emma Chasteen
03 ago 2024

These sound so interesting! And I LOVE Jack Zulu!!!

Me gusta

Bella Raine
Bella Raine
03 ago 2024

Ooo, love this book list!! That last one looks so good! Thanks!

Me gusta

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