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Author Interview: Anna Grace Durham

Writer's picture: L.E. LevensL.E. Levens

Hello friends! Now that we've wrapped up our month of Middle-Earth, I'm back with a special interview with another young authoress: Anna Grace Durham! She is a member of the Young Writer's Workshop community, and has indie published several books. I was so excited to get to do this Q&A, and I hope you enjoy!

Picture courtesy of Anna Grace Durham


Q: What was your favorite project ever?

A: My favorite project that I’ve ever written has to be my first full-length novel, entitled At All Times. It tells the story of two young girls growing up in the midst of the Civil War who form an unlikely friendship. This story is very close to my heart for many reasons, and I hope its message of love and friendship will resonate with my readers, as well.

Q: What is your favorite book/series?

A: I love the Ascendance Series by Jennifer A. Nielsen, which follows the story of a young orphan boy named Sage who is pulled into a dastardly plot to impersonate the lost prince of the kingdom. I have read many of Nielsen’s books, and she always does an excellent job with creating compelling characters and thrilling plots filled with twists and turns. Nielsen has always been one of my role models as an author!

Q: What are some things you enjoy doing outside of writing?

A: While much of my time is spent with things relating to books (writing, reading, etc.), I also enjoy playing the piano occasionally, experimenting with graphic design, doing art, and cross stitching.

Q: What are some resources you'd recommend?

A: My favorite writing resource that I’ve found is the Young Writer’s Workshop, a program focused on teaching budding writers how to grow their skillset while connecting with other writers like them. Also, I’ve been reading a book recently by Bryan Davis, titled Write Them In. So far, it has given me much valuable advice about plot structure and writing in a compelling way that will pull readers in. While I haven’t completed the entire book yet, I believe it is a valuable resource for writers young and old.

Q: What's something you wish you'd known when you started writing?

A: I wish I knew that I could just be myself. In the past, I have often struggled with wondering if my writing is good enough--or if the way other people write is better than my style of writing. I've even wondered if I should change my writing to match someone else's. But I've learned that different doesn't mean better. No two people will write something in exactly the same way, and life would be pretty boring if that were the case. Don't compare your writing to the writing of other people. It may not be perfect--in fact, it won't be perfect, because no one is--but if your writing is conveying the message that you want to tell the world, then that's all that really matters.

Q: Do you have a favorite food?

A: That’s hard to choose, but I really enjoy things like pizza and nachos. I also have a major sweet tooth, so I always enjoy a bar of chocolate!

Q: Do you have any advice for young writers seeking self-publishing?

A: Don’t be intimidated by the self-publishing process. It’s not as difficult as you may think. I use Kindle Direct Publishing to release my books, which, in my experience, makes everything very easy and efficient! And be sure to go to others who can help you with things such as cover design and formatting if you need it. My mind is more geared toward the creative side of the process, which is why I asked my brother and father to assist me with those things. You don’t have to work alone!

Q: What is your favorite Bible verse?

A: One of my favorite Bible verses is Philippians 4:4, which says, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” It is a wonderful reminder to me that no matter what I’m going through, I can be joyful anytime, in any situation, because I have God.

I am so pleased to have been able to welcome Anna Grace Durham to the blog this Saturday! I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did. If you're interested in keeping up with this young author, you can find her on her newsletter, which you can sign up for right here. And be on the lookout! Pretty soon I'll have more news about young writers and their stories! As always, Ad Lucem!

-L.E. Levens



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