The air turns colder, colorful lights sparkle from houses, stores are full of Christmas galor, and Christmas music floats on the air. The Christmas season is very exciting—but I find it can also be very distracting as well. Sure, giving gifts is a wonderful thing, seeing family and friends, decorating the tree, it’s all very good! But during all this, it is so easy to forget the most wonderful gift given to us—Jesus.
We all know the story of how Jesus came to earth as a baby and grew up to die on the cross for our sins. We’ve heard it so many times that we grow numb to its beauty and forget how wonderful it is. Yet every Christmas season, we are called to remember; to celebrate the wonderful gift of Jesus.
I can’t imagine how amazing and unbelievable it would’ve been to be Mary and Joseph at the time. Think about it, they held God in their arms! God gave us the greatest gift by giving us himself. He became a human, he cried, he felt pain, experienced temptations, had growing pains, got sick, was tired, had to work, and so much more. He became fully human. But, he was still fully God.
When we sinned back in the garden, God promised that one day he would send someone to save us. (Genesis 3:14-15) He did that, through Jesus. Hundreds upon hundreds of years later of us sinning and rebelling against God, and he still kept his promise to us. And he did it in the most unexpected way. Think about this, God, who created all things—the earth, the universe, microscopic organisms, the mountains, the oceans, bugs, animals, food, air, you and me—was born as a meek little baby. And not only that, he was born in a stable and was laid in the animal's feeding box. (Matthew 1:18-25) The most unimaginable place for a king to be born. Yet he did it, because he loves us.

On that night, he came to dwell on this earth. But now, he is in heaven, no longer on this earth with us. (Mark 16:19) But, he didn’t just come to fulfill his promises then pack up and go. He sent his Spirit to dwell inside of us. (John 14:15-31; 16:4-15) Those who believe in Christ now have his Spirit living in us; changing us to be more like him. We can experience him now in a way that most people in the Old Testament could not. And even those who walked next to Jesus, spoke with him, ate with him, and saw him with their own eyes didn’t experience him the way we do now until after he left and sent them his Helper.
Jesus also didn’t just leave to stay away forever. He will one day return, and he will again dwell with us. (John 16:16-24) We as believers will be able to see him face to face, talk to him, touch him, and eat with him. He will be with us, and we will be with him, all because he gave us the gift of himself. One day, he will return, making all the things that all of us through Adam have made wrong, right again. And this time, it will last forever. His kingdom will never come to an end!
Praise God that he gave us the most wonderful gift, and praise God that he will come again and restore us to himself! So, this Christmas season, as you enjoy all the wonderful gifts and holiday traditions. Remember the greatest gift of all that you as a believer have received by grace through faith. And if you don’t have this gift, remember that it is a gift. Jesus wants you, he loves you, and he is offering to give you himself as the free gift—the atonement for your sins. (Matthew 11:28-30; 7:7-11) He became a human to live a perfect life for all of us. He died on the cross, paying in full the debt that we could never pay. He died, experiencing God’s full wrath on our behalf. What a wonderful gift!
Let us remember and be thankful for the gift of Jesus and all the things he has done and will continue to do for us. And together, let’s look forward to the day when he will come again. Have a merry Christmas!
Great devotional, Emma! Love that both of us wrote about looking foward. <3